Council of Churches in Sierra Leone and the Catholic Mission commenced the week of Prayer for Christian unity

The Council of Churches in Sierra Leone (CCSL) and the Catholic Mission in Sierra Leone has on Wednesday commenced the week of Prayer for Christian unity with an opening service at National Pentecostal Church Fort Street.
The service was well attended by Catholic faithfuls, member churches of the Council of Churches in Sierra Leone and members of other churches and Christian organisations.
Preaching on the theme, “Do good, seek justice,” drawn from Isaiah 1:17, the Preacher, Rev. Fr. Vincent Davies, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Freetown, said Christians can unite to change the world
By making disciples Matthew 28:18-20. Christians should be committed to the great commission because it is the first responsibility given by Jesus.
For Christians to do good and seek justice they must tell the truth in love. We should maintain a distinctive witness. Christians should be positive influence because they are the salt and light of the World Matthew 5:13 noting the impact Christians will make if they exhibit and maintain their saltiness and light.

The importance of this week is manifested in the fact that despite the different doctrinal differences, Christians gather in one accord to worship
The week is observed globally and is organised by Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches and Pontifical Council for promoting Christian Unity. This year’s liturgy was prepared by the Minneapolis Council of Churches in USA, the Archdiocese of St. Paul in the Minnesota and was adapted to fit our Sierra Leone context. Prayers were offered for the 27 African countries observing elections this year (2023), especially our nation Sierra Leone.
The week’s activities continue as different denominations meet to pray and will conclude with a closing worship at the Parish church of St. Anthony, Savage Street, Brookfields, at which Bishop Thomas Wilson of the Anglican Diocese of Freetown, will preach.

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